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Why Flawed Astrology Continues to Flourish: The True Cost of Inaccuracy

Astrology should be a respected tool for personal insight, yet it remains on the fringes of credibility. Why? Because many practitioners cling to outdated, inaccurate systems like the Western tropical zodiac, ignoring more precise methods like sidereal astrology. This stubbornness perpetuates a cycle of vague, feel-good readings that mislead rather than guide.

The refusal to evolve—whether by switching to sidereal calculations or focusing on aspects and houses over signs—keeps astrology stuck in a quagmire of mediocrity. The result? A practice that’s more about entertainment than enlightenment, leaving clients with advice that doesn’t hold up to scrutiny.

Think about it: If astrologers prioritized accuracy over aesthetics, wouldn’t astrology be taken as seriously as other scientific disciplines? Instead, it’s dismissed as pseudoscience, because the most popular systems are deeply flawed. This isn’t just a failure of methodology; it’s a betrayal of the trust clients place in their astrologers.

Sidereal astrology, grounded in actual star positions, offers a more reliable approach. By refusing to adopt it, or by clinging to signs that no longer align with the heavens, astrologers are doing their clients a disservice. They’re offering readings based on where the stars were 2,000 years ago, not where they are today.

But here’s the kicker: even if clients knew this, many would still flock to the same astrologers. Why? Because in a world obsessed with quick fixes and instant gratification, accuracy takes a back seat to charisma. It’s easier to sell a dream than to tell the truth, and that’s the real reason flawed astrology flourishes.

Yet, for those who seek genuine guidance, the path forward is clear. It’s time to demand more from astrology—to insist on readings that are as accurate as they are insightful. Whether that means adopting sidereal methods or focusing on the aspects and houses that truly shape our lives, the change is overdue.

Astrology can and should be more than just a parlor trick. It has the potential to be a powerful tool for self-understanding, but only if we’re willing to let go of the past and embrace what truly works. Until then, the cost of inaccuracy will continue to be paid in shattered dreams and misguided decisions.

Let’s raise the bar and give astrology the respect it deserves by committing to methods that truly reflect the heavens, not just the ones that look good on paper. Your future—and the future of astrology—depends on it.


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