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When you move THEY move, unjust like that .

One morning I noticed that as soon as I rolled out of bed, a police car siren would go off somewhere in the distance .

Just enough for me to notice .

Sometimes the sirens could be heard immediately after I turned the first light on in the morning or used the bathroom .

So I checked it out and discovered that police surveillance had received support from dubious factions.

I couldn't imagine why or how so much attention to my life was warranted .

In fact , it was not.

The truth is that I have been developing and adapting my skills and schedule to accomodate the times.

My wife thought that I was merely "playing on the computer". That was around 1998. Eventually we divorced and I moved on , only to find that my Mother seemed to unrelentingly mistrust and misinterpreted my choice of activities ... Pops on the other hand, being ex military, enterprising and more tech savvy than Mom, understood the real value of my early adoption of netizenship.

Such family conflicts have been common ever since my web development career and foregone netizenship took off. It seemed to me to be some type of vigilant suppression of self determination by groups who were happy with that 9-5 thing.

Over the years I learned how to see past the political schemes by developing my cosmology skills and those skills allowed me to identify the reason why my quality of life was diminished despit my efforts to produce and present work myself.

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