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The Wasichu Complex a la Tech Part 1: Predictive Policing Antics

Another exotic flavor of overreach is bubbling up in the world these days.

Predictive policing.

And now that we can identify it, let's hone our accusations and remember that reputation is and always was a group effort.

If your reputation is bad, you can at least rest assured it didn't happen in a vacuum .

Our own choices often play a key role in bad experiences. But to what degree? and the resulting echoes it has in your life ? This can be accurately and objectively discerned , minus the undue influence of blabbermouths and gossips (professional or otherwise) who mess with your narratives.

So the next time we encounter people who wish to imply that your chracteristics make you guilty of a crime and therefore deserving of their punishment, remember Amendment 6.

More later, but for now remember that oversight matters in all cases of governmental [ or otherwise authoritative influence] especially the new and esoteric stuff.

So let's get get our oversight in order before we jump the gun with more violations of other people's civil liberties.

Don't become the next criminal.

Wait for the needle on your moral compass to stop!

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