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The Tech-enhanced Overreach of 2018

As I prepare to archive this writing, I remember the time I traveled to Parkville to help my father sell his condo. It feels like a very sad memory... I know what I wanted yet only I was taking myself seriously enough to make an impact during my stay.

Yesterday I found the following profile description on my second Imagekind gallery. I don't remember writing it. However reading it reminded me of the insanity some travelers endure while keeping to themselves in new locations. Suspicious locals tend to replace a customary welcome to newcomers with waves of anxiety, criticism and unwanted attention. It was not long before I understood that oftentimes the first responders to our arrival are psychopaths and thugs. Ever watchful and invasive. Long before the local Karens call the police on us for walking down "their" sidewalks or enjoying "their" parks, all manner of crooks with fresh technologies will be chomping at the bit to edit our narratives. Inculcating our well-meaning attempts to earn an income with scammery and deceit. So here is some evidence. As in any profile entry I make I introduce myself and ask for the sale. Unfortunately a demoralized public will never get it right and cannot be expected to keep up, unless some juicy piece of narcissism or defamation seasons their carrots.

As the Jews say, OY VEY!

Benign neglect should be punishable .


The Imagekind account I worked on diligently since 2007, unexpectedly fell apart like a dried leaf in the turbulent winds of social media. So this time I gifted my heirs with the originals from this new collection in case one day in the future the value of the artwork makes up for the sacrifices we made to be authentic.

Freshly evicted from the home I sold on the family's behalf, the pressure to fundraise is off. At least now when I ask people for money, the income won't be used to fill the belly of any faceless landlords. May our uniqueness win out over market demands and bad governance. These art prints are from works on paper that were created in early to mid 2018 during my time living in Maryland. An organic yet seemingly miraculous process of family reunification and personal regeneration marks this year. Astrologically, this 18 month time frame is known as my reverse nodal return. A time of reckoning and reconnecting while living in deep and meaningful solitude and an even deeper sensitivity than usual. The offspring of two reclusive people I retreated, acting with the most genuine of reserve. When ordinarily I reach out to gregariously "engage" to stay afloat and socially valid. I Instead meditate, practice yoga and breathing exercises to de-stress from emotional turbulence, oppression, rules and demands; Networked with nearby New Covenant Christians and Vajrayaja Buddhists from both near and far. Reaching past isolation and alienation, like moonbeams piercing a long dark night, silent communications of imagery and intent permeate silent stillness. These pieces are a culmination of works based on the big dipper constellation as template for various forms and depictions of light.


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