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The Irony of Chinese Bigotry

Hidden behind the veil of discretion is a petty yellow fiend. Next time an Asian tourist attempts to take your picture without permission , smash their smartphone before you become the target of yet another racist social media meme.

One day as I walked on Pearl Parkway a pudgy couple appeared. The female wore a stupid looking derby with a colorful scarf. She held a smartphone up, as if to take a picture of her man-in-black partner. As I approached they began to waddle up the snowy sidewalk just slow enough to obstruct me from passing. They did not speak; no hello or good morning , not even a fake squncy smile. I have experienced this annoying tactic on multiple occasions from touristy Chinese people. Decked in silly outfits, usually with elevator sneakers and stupid hats, the women take pictures of people as if entitled, while their man in black acts tough. Not tough enough apparently . A shrewd blend of boldness and cowardice marks this species of street foe.

It took an oracle reading fir me personally to confirm the presence of this sneaky form of racially motivated defamation.

Ugliness comes in all colors. Are Chinese bigots the new peckerwood?

It isn't obviously everybody from China who behaves this way, but thanks to communism it sure seems that way. Maybe One Belt in the Face will thwart this disgrace .

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