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The Impending Tech Tsunami - Harvest IT!

Recently our research has determined that for the next two decades we will be experiencing a technologically saturated ecosystem. So when we we consider this we must first understand the nature of technology itself, that being a type of woven latticework. This implies repetition and as such also indicates saturation.

The ability to replicate and reproduce things may have its advantages however the key disadvantage to a tech rich ecosystem is mass saturation, information overload and analysis paralysis. Mental work really is a thing.

And those who have been taught to associate hard work with physical movement and muscular activity may find it quite frustrating to sit at home on a computer for hours and hours as a way to earn income. But that is basically where things are headed.

Hence our tendency to upgrade ourselves from kinetic luddite to psi tech is not all that welcome by those who do not like technology and soft skills. The mercy in this can be found in the fact that these issues are not really being brought upon us by some evil oppressor or governmental corruption. As with most unseen influences however most people tend to freak out and make assmptions about what is going on. Blame happens and leaders are attacked for not protecting their followers. But we are all in the same universe right now, that includes the woo woos, galactics and multidimensional pundits who believe they are somehow exempt from cycles of time, space and seasons on this planet. They are not. So you might as well face it, these changes are true, real and will not end until around 2045. If you don't agree then you can adapt by learning to enjoy twenty years of disappointment.

Meanwhile let's get to the point of this write-up. We are dealing with an environment that requires us to analytically sift through lots of options, opinions and unwanted details. This is apparent when we do online job searches , then find our inbox full of third party staffing agencies trying to help with yet another list of so-called opportunities. Most of which are scams. As for that one dream job you thought you always wanted? Well, think of it as a template and from that template Many versions of the same dream job may be found or even made from scratch.

This could be a good thing if you know what your dream job happens to be. But like many people who were never quite allowed to figure out what they wanted before entering the workforce, you might have to stop, rewind, erase and redo the "what I want" part... Perhaps several (well scheduled) times a month. The pace is picking up thanks to computer processing. You may feel like the world is being taken over by communisms, hippies or extraterrestrials, and in some ways that may be true, but actually what is happening is the use of computers makes things seem plastic, pre-fab. Templated. Cookie cut. And our interactions with one another involve these middleware middlemen thingamajigs like gadgets, avatars, profiles, chat boxes , emoji and other embellishments that some of you might believe to be more like masks than make-up. The truth is, those who resist this tech boom may not be as angry or afraid if they understand that this is just another one of those seasons, or phases in our lives , collectively.

It is something everyone will have to deal with in some way and some of you may be more "hard wired" than others to thrive, simply because they have a knack for technology and more specifically the forces that govern IT. Those who don't might have to enjoy their hey day after the cycle changes. Knowing, this we can plan and position ourselves so that our expectations are not thrashed by mother nature and father time.

Now that we have an increase in WFH (that is work from home) jobs, we have an added opportunity to apply methods to our lives and find ways to tap otherwise unknown and unreachable pockets of power. Sure, you might live in a rural town of under 20,000 people but if you embrace your tech and learn how to bring what you need to yourself , instead of running around trying to chase it down, you could save a lot of energy, time and you will accomplish alot more a lot more gracefully than ever before. The same goes for education. Thanks to tehcnology you can learn just about.anything from home

Some things of course require physical infrastructure, tools and bodily strength to perform, but know how is not in and of itself a physical thing. It is information plus experience. So those who mastered the grunt work before can now concepualize the mechanics and the machinery of ther work while using the computer to expand their existing skills or help train or manage those who are less experienced. Perhaps without even touching heavy machinery. Simulations allow for this.

So in that case, you may find yourself sitting on your ass, or staring at a screen when you would rather be "out there working", but the inevitability of computerized training will melt the stubborn beliefs you have had about physical work, hard work, and other traditional approaches to getting things done. It does not matter how much you harrass the politicians or attack the nerds. These things will not change until it is time for them to. You cannot stop winter when you live somewhere that has four seasons. So get over it. Stop subverting or resisting the tech nerds who come to town with their own ways of doing things. Sure some of them are a bit out of shape from overwork minus the exercise. But they are not really lazy or retarded. At least not mentally.

And now we have fitness apps. So the stereotypical Poindexter with skinny arms and a pencil neck just may flip you on your brawny ass because when they seemed to be cowering in their basements, they actually were attending online self defense classes.

How to hone your options and expand them at the same time.

Find a large company or a legitimate job site / app that has a good international footprint. One that basically could hire you for a remote job which would allow you to work from home while they send you tasks online from a solid base of operations that could be located pretty much anywhere. Be sure to use the term 'remote' in the location field of your job search.

Now figuring out where you want your work to come from is another art that is worth learning. This is where our location astrology services come in. With astrocartograpy, AKA location astrology you can find places on the planet that hold specific types of energy for you. If you go to these places you will experience a predictable difference in your outlook and in your experiences and opportunities as well. Also when you meet someone from one of your power locations that person will act as a sort of ambassador from that place to you. Say for some reason you are a guy who just loves Phillipino women. You never really understood why, but you sure do. You may have even gotten in trouble for it or even called racist. The truth is you have a venus line that passes through the Phillipines. And it also , being a line, reaches above and below the Phillipines. So you could find a mate in more places than a single location. This fact could simultaneously focus and expand one's options. And it also increses your quality of life to understand things like this. You are never trapped when you have a way to surf cyberspace.

Remote activation is another technique which you can use to bring any location in the world to you. Remember that remote place that for some mysterious reason you just did so well in and loved so much? Its still there. You may have left because back then you didn't have enough opportunities there. You had to leave and go where the money was back then. Not anymore. In fact you might be alot healhier if you go back to that little place or get a remote job that is basd there. Make sure that your base and the base of the company that hires you are both located along good power lines.

If you cannot relocate, move or find remote work, try remote activations to level up your luck. This can be done simply by visiting a place online. Find out a place that for example has a jupiter or venus power line, depending on what you need or are wanting... Then look the place up on a search engine. Click the video or image option and have a look. This is how you visit a place virtually. Armchair travel. Plus location astrology. This is known as remote activation. This is a way to bring power to yourself from a different place when you cannot get there yourself or find sombody who is from there.

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