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The Case of the Vanishing Friend: Harm in the Synastry - A Bazi Training Tale

Updated: Sep 20

It was one of those perplexing days that make you question the very nature of friendship. Bernard had been getting texts from Tim—his friend since college, his confidant in times of trouble, his ever-faithful wingman. Then, abruptly, the messages stopped. No calls, no replies. Even the pigeons seemed more communicative. It was as if Tim had vanished into thin air, leaving Bernard to wonder if he had unwittingly unleashed some cosmic curse.

Bernard, in a moment of wild desperation, turned to the ancient arts of Bazi. It was an odd choice, but Bernard was a man who had always found solace in things that promised cosmic answers. His cousin, who dabbled in astrology, had mentioned something about "Harm" in Bazi and how it could ruin even the most steadfast friendships. As Bernard traced the lines of Tim’s Bazi chart, he was startled to find that Tim was born in the Year of the Rabbit and Bernard himself in the Year of the Dragon. Ah, the fabled Harm.

The concept of Harm, for the uninitiated, is a bit like discovering that the universe has decided to play a trick on you, much like finding your favorite chair missing just when you need it most. In Bazi, the Rabbit and Dragon, while both seemingly benign, harbor a deep-seated distrust for each other. It’s as if they were destined to collide in an awkward cosmic tango, where each step and misstep causes friction.

So why did Tim, a Rabbit in a seemingly benign shell, become so distant? Bernard pondered this as he paced his living room, each step echoing with the weight of unspoken confusion. He needed a plan. If Harm was to be understood and rectified, he would need to uncover its nature and work with it rather than against it.

Bernard, being a practical man despite his newfound interest in the arcane, decided to consult his cousin for practical advice. “Look,” his cousin said, “The Harm between Dragon and Rabbit isn’t just some grudge. It manifests as a lack of trust, a misunderstanding. It’s as if you’re speaking two different languages and neither of you can find a translator.”

With this newfound wisdom, Bernard set out on a path of reconciliation. He crafted a letter to Tim, full of earnest apologies and clarifications. In his letter, he gently pointed out their cosmic mismatch but emphasized his desire to bridge the gap. He expressed his heartfelt hope that their friendship could survive this celestial hurdle, revealing that he, too, was at fault and not merely a passive victim of cosmic caprice.

To his surprise, Tim responded. They arranged to meet, and Bernard approached their meeting with the sincerity of a man who had traversed the stars to mend what had been broken. Over coffee, the conversation began awkwardly but soon warmed up. Tim confessed that he had indeed felt an inexplicable chill in their friendship, an unfounded mistrust that had made him retreat.

“Bernard,” Tim said, “I thought I was the only one feeling this. I didn’t realize it was something as… cosmic as Harm. I just thought it was me being paranoid.”

Bernard laughed, not in a mocking way but with relief. “Turns out it’s not just us being weird. The universe has a hand in this mess.”

As they talked through their grievances, it became clear that while the Harm aspect was undeniable, their efforts to understand it and address it head-on allowed them to move past it. The cosmic misalignment had been corrected by the simple act of reaching out and expressing their true feelings.

By the end of their meeting, the air was lighter. The Harm had not vanished, but it had been acknowledged and managed, like a persistent but manageable cloud. Their friendship, though now marked by a cautious respect for their Bazi signs, was intact.

Bernard went home, feeling a curious blend of satisfaction and amusement. The universe had its quirks, but sometimes, recognizing them was all it took to make things right. As he sat back in his favorite chair—now safely back in its place—Bernard marveled at how even the celestial could be remedied with a bit of earthly effort and understanding. And as for the Dragon and Rabbit, well, they might never be the closest of cosmic companions, but they were at least no longer distant strangers.


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