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Supporting Small Businesses: Even When You Can't Buy.

Updated: Apr 9


Did you know you can make a big difference for your friend or family member's small online business, even if you can't afford to make a purchase yourself? Let's break the cycle of neglect and complicity and stand up for our loved ones' entrepreneurial dreams!


1️⃣ Set Up a Monthly Recurring Donation: Whether it's $5 or $100, setting up a monthly donation can provide consistent support to your friend's business.

2️⃣ Spread the Word: Share their business on social media, tell your friends and family, and tag them in your posts. Your voice can make a world of difference.

3️⃣ Follow and Engage: Follow them on social media platforms like Instagram, and engage with their content by liking and sharing. Your support helps boost their visibility.

4️⃣ Write Reviews: Take a few minutes to write a positive review on platforms like Yelp. Reviews matter and can significantly impact a business's success.

5️⃣ Offer Your Expertise: Whether it's marketing advice or graphic design skills, offering your expertise can help your friend's business thrive.

🤝 Action: Let's stand together and support our friends and family members who are small business owners. Use the QR code to find more ways to support them for free!


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