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RECLAMATION III: A Guided Healing Visualization and Affirmation Meditation

Updated: Jul 15

Reclamation III:

A Guided Healing Visualization and Affirmation Meditation


Find a quiet, comfortable space where you can sit or lie down undisturbed. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and allow your body to relax. Let go of any tension or stress you may be holding. Feel your connection to the earth beneath you and the sky above. You are safe, grounded, and supported.


1. Grounding: Imagine roots extending from the base of your spine and the soles of your feet, reaching deep into the earth. Feel the strength and stability of the earth's energy rising through these roots, grounding you firmly.

2. Shielding: Visualize a radiant, protective light surrounding your body, creating a shield that repels any negative or harmful energy. This light can be any color that feels protective and powerful to you.

3. Calling Back Energy:

- Envision yourself standing in a vast, open space under a clear, star-filled sky. The universe stretches infinitely around you, full of the energy that has been scattered, taken, or lost.

- Take a deep breath and, as you exhale, call out to the universe: "I reclaim my energy. I call back all parts of myself that have been scattered, taken, or lost."

- Visualize beams of light and threads of energy returning to you from all directions, flowing back into your body, mind, and spirit. Feel the warmth and strength of your reclaimed energy reintegrating with your being.

4. Healing Light:

- See a brilliant, healing light descending from above, entering through the crown of your head and filling your entire body. This light heals any wounds or gaps left by the energy that was taken from you.

- Allow this light to flow through you, cleansing and purifying your energy. As it moves, it dissolves any lingering negativity or blockages, restoring your natural vitality and balance.


Repeat the following affirmations silently or aloud, with conviction and belief:

- "I am whole, complete, and powerful."

- "I reclaim all my energy and power from those who have taken it without my consent."

- "I am free from all negative influences and energies."

- "My energy is sacred, and I am in control of how it is used."

- "I am filled with divine light, love, and strength."


Offer a prayer to your higher self, spirit guides, or the divine, asking for continued protection, guidance, and support:

"Divine Source, Higher Self, and Loving Guides,

I ask for your assistance in reclaiming all parts of my energy and spirit that have been scattered or taken. Surround me with your healing light, and guide my energy back to me. Help me to remain grounded, protected, and whole. I am grateful for your presence and support. Amen."


Take a few more deep breaths, feeling the completeness and strength within you. When you are ready, gently open your eyes and return to your surroundings. Carry the sense of wholeness and reclaimed power with you throughout your day, knowing that you are protected and in control of your energy.

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