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RECLAMATION II - Guided Healing Visualization, Affirmation, and Prayer

A guided healing visualization, affirmation, meditation and prayer, the purpose of which is for the meditator to reclaim lost material and spiritual things as energy. This also includes soul and qi or prana that was taken from someone without permission or without their informed consent. Reclaim that energy that has been scattered across the universe and given to or stolen by qi vampires, wasichus, energy suckers, attention whores, narcissists, psychic predators , manipulators, labyrinthine schemes of various forms, etc. from all dimensions and universs, earth and heaven.

Reclamation II


Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. Sit or lie down, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths, allowing your body to relax and your mind to calm.



1. Grounding:

- Imagine roots growing from your feet into the earth, anchoring you deeply. Feel the stability and support from Mother Earth.

- Visualize a beam of light descending from the heavens, entering through the top of your head, and aligning you with the divine.

2. Clearing:

- Picture a gentle, swirling light beginning at your feet, slowly moving up through your body, clearing away any negative energy or blockages. As it moves, it purifies and rejuvenates each part of you, until it reaches the top of your head and radiates outward.

3. Reclaiming:

- Envision a vast, open field under a starry night sky. See scattered pieces of light representing your lost energy, soul fragments, and prana.

- With each breath, visualize these pieces of light beginning to move towards you, gently and steadily. They are returning to you, drawn by your intention and your divine right to reclaim what is yours.

4. Integrating:

- As the light returns, feel it merging with your being, filling you with warmth, strength, and clarity. Sense the energy becoming part of you once more, restoring your vitality and wholeness.



Repeat the following affirmations, either silently or out loud, with conviction and belief:

- "I reclaim my power and energy from all times, places, and dimensions."

- "I call back my soul fragments with love and gratitude."

- "My energy is my own, and it is whole and complete within me."

- "I am protected and free from all negative influences."

- "I am aligned with my highest self and my divine purpose."



Divine Source,

I call upon your guidance and protection as I reclaim all that is mine. Help me to gather my scattered energies and integrate them fully into my being. Surround me with your light, shielding me from all harm and negativity. May I be filled with your love, wisdom, and strength as I restore my wholeness.

I forgive those who have taken from me, and I release all attachments to them. I trust in the divine justice and balance of the universe.

Thank you for your support and blessings. I am whole, I am healed, I am free.



Take a few more deep breaths, feeling the renewed energy coursing through your body. When you're ready, gently open your eyes, bringing this sense of wholeness and empowerment into your daily life.


This guided meditation, affirmation, and prayer are designed to help you reclaim your lost energies, strengthen your spirit, and protect you from further harm. Use this practice regularly to maintain your energetic integrity and well-being.


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