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Oracular Media Revision[ings]

One application of readings is filtering one's exposure to media programming...

Using one's oracle to help analyze the integrities of shows, cinema, networks, and even fictional characters can greatly improve our mental state and quality of life .

Just ask...

Something like, "what effect will this show have on my spirit?". And match that with one's destiny. Would that cinematic experience be good for your soul or not? It's hardly ever a yes or no answer. But the oracle reading.. does things, according to ones question. It's been said, "the reading is the ritual ."

The Answers received will make a difference in one"s life by guiding your perceptions and expectations in relation to what is presented (an/or imposed ) upon one's mind through the medium in question .

So with these posts I share some of the Answers I received about what media I watch and listen to. Granted we could accept the content at face value however oracles have already proven that more interesting truths are beneath the surface of the obvious.

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