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Mind Games and Misinformation: The Real Reason Astrology is a Soggy Science

Astrology, once a revered art, has become a soggy science, drowned in a sea of misinformation and superficiality. How did we get here? The answer lies in the careless use of the tropical zodiac and vague interpretations, turning what could be a precise tool for self-understanding into a circus of generalizations.

Let’s face it: the tropical system, despite its popularity, doesn’t align with the stars it claims to represent. Edgar Cayce, the famed "sleeping prophet," pointed out long ago that sidereal astrology, which aligns with the actual positions of constellations, is far more accurate. Yet, many Western astrologers cling to the tropical system out of convenience or ignorance, selling flawed readings that do little more than entertain. Why? Because it’s easy. Easy to sell, easy to swallow, and easy to ignore when it fails to deliver.

Think about it: If astrology were truly accurate, it wouldn’t be the butt of jokes. It would stand shoulder to shoulder with the likes of meteorology or engineering—fields respected for their precision and reliability. But instead, astrology has become a laughingstock, thanks in no small part to practitioners who prioritize personality over precision.

It’s not just about the system, though. It’s about the approach. Many astrologers today are more interested in being liked than being right. They peddle vague, feel-good interpretations that could apply to anyone, anywhere. And guess what? That’s exactly why astrology is so often dismissed as nonsense. These mind games are a disservice to the true potential of astrology.

The solution? A return to rigor. Forget the signs—focus on the aspects and houses. These are the real keys to understanding, the parts of astrology that can stand up to scrutiny and actually improve lives. It’s time for astrologers to ditch the showbiz, the pretty faces, and the Dr. Strange lookalikes, and get back to the business of real, accurate astrology.

For those who are tired of wasting money on readings that go nowhere, there’s hope. The rise of intelligent, fact-based astrology is on the horizon. Imagine getting a reading that doesn’t just make you feel good but actually helps you navigate your life with clarity and confidence. That’s the future of astrology, and it’s a future worth investing in.

No more blaming your astrologer for your bad decisions. With accurate astrology, you’ll finally understand why things happen the way they do—and how you can make better choices moving forward. Don’t settle for the familiar and shallow when you can have the exotic and profound. Demand more from your astrologer, and watch as astrology transforms from a soggy science into a respected discipline.


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