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Letter from the Founder: Galvanized Conscience

After more than a decade of research and development , I chose fair use over kleptomania when it came to expressing my ideas as digital designs. Therefor I use creative commons licensed and public domain components to build with. This works just fine for me because frankly I get just as much value if not more designing this way than drawing it all myself by hand. And its just as good if not way better than the competition. Granted a high paying commission could inspire me to draw by hand, however certain mechanical techniques and approaches require templating and rarher than become another black slave I will respect myself and avoid the prevalent use of torture in the workplace. I will not run a labyrinthine race that is designed for human rats just to appease someone elses arbitrary definition of "work". How I execute my work is up to me. The quality of intel I get from my sources is impeccable enough and I daresay exceeds the value of scientific method , the limitarions of logic and DEductive reasoning. The old way of doing things is worn out. The deception and manipulation used to govern us is an undue influence that is way overdue. So rather than seek another slavemaster or confide in another of his sneaky hired snitches , I will continue to do my best and find and be discovered by just the right people who will gladly support this work with respect and adequate compensation . Nevermind the rest of these suckers.

Their ruins will be a new playground for us.





About Tufani Mayfield:

Mr. Tufani Mayfield is a visionary creator who boldly navigates the realms of art and digital design with a profound commitment to authenticity and self-expression. After more than a decade of dedicated research and development, Tufani has chosen to embrace the principles of fair use and open access, opting for Creative Commons licensed and public domain components to fuel their creative endeavors.

In alignment with the innovative approaches of trailblazers like Girl Talk (Gregg Gillis) in music and Tim Ferriss in productivity, Tufani recognizes the value of diverse techniques and unconventional methods in maximizing creative output. Their refusal to compromise their integrity or succumb to dehumanizing workplace practices reflects a deep-seated commitment to self-respect and authenticity.

Tufani's unwavering dedication to forging their own path and challenging conventional norms mirrors the spirit of visionaries like Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, and Brené Brown, who have reshaped industries and inspired generations with their courage and conviction. By embracing new paradigms and championing individuality, Tufani paves the way for a future where creativity thrives unbound by limitations and where authenticity reigns supreme.

In their pursuit of genuine connection and fulfillment, Tufani embodies the essence of empowerment and resilience, inspiring others to dare greatly and chart their own course in pursuit of their passions. With a steadfast commitment to self-expression and a profound belief in the power of creativity, Tufani Mayfield stands as a beacon of hope and possibility in a world ripe for transformation.


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