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I Ching Comments on The Persecution of Falun Gong by Communist China.

Updated: Nov 1, 2023

Around 1997 I consulted my Metu Neter Oraclecards about Falun Gong. It was a form of qigong that I learned of during my neophyte bodywork studies. I had experience with a few qigong forms, such as Master Shen's Soaring Crane and several others thanks to a spiritual teacher of mine who shared their heavy dabblings with us. Ausar Hetep was the reading given by the oracle. What a reading! Top of the tree... Go Falun Gong! Back then I even found a group of practitioners who introduced me to the forms on a frigid morning in the park. It was definitely a challenging practice, but the reading it received affirmed its efficacy for me.

Some years later I learned that the practice was banned by its own government and the practitioners aggressively persecuted.

It seemed farcical to me. Like when Kool Moe Dee and LL Cool J became rivals. It was all to build sales and attract attention from the hip hop audience. But this was way more than two artists fighting.

I have a new reading from the I Ching now which provides some exposure to the topic and indeed another threat to our national security. I found the tactics used by the persecutors particularly interesting, and people who have to endure such oppressive influences can learn a great deal about how to overcome such a massive threat.

And here is an extension of the reading for yi gua / wen wang gua analysis.

China may be old

but communist China is yet a pugsley little brat.

Someplace between the two is US, spanking the spoiled bratiwith a good tiger parent switch.

Now, pivot accordingly .

If you believe you are a target of Communist Chinese and/or fascist miscreants , gather your facts and


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