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Get Your Perspective in Check

The never-ending game of chasing the carrot and pleasing a crowd can be quite exhausting especially on a level playing field where the audience must be drafted as well as the players . The sad truth however is that generating your own income is no game. People too often make the mistake of assuming that business is some kind of spectator sport in which so-called losers are to be blamed, and the so-called winner takes all. And every witness is somehow entitled to spectate as armchair critics. This is folley. Business , economic and finance are supposed to be built for everyone to thrive, from founders to employees. Why allow Ignorance, psychopathy and bafoonery to foul up one's right to earn a legitimate living? Why allow petty conflicts to rock one's boat? Or crooks to interfere with their unjustified influence?

Rather than play stupid games with ones life and livelihood we reccommend improving your perspective with our analytical informational upgrades.

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