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Enemy Thine Revisited: Navigating Astrological Dynamics

It's been some years since I introduced the Enemy Thine reading, designed to identify trigger points in a client's chart that could be activated by others, particularly in synastry. Over time, the concept has proven its worth, prompting inquiries and leading to further development within our LIGHTBENDER department. Today, I'll share some insights into identifying these triggers and how they manifest in natal astrology.

The foundation of this analysis lies in the natal chart. Understanding one's placements by sign and house allows for the application of this knowledge to Geo Planetary Plots readings. For instance, the ruling planet of an enemy sign might reveal potential mischief if its power line intersects a specific geographic location. While I won't divulge my formula, I'll share examples gleaned from years of chart readings.

Synastry often unveils who we're predisposed to clash with. If Person A's natal planet aligns closely with Person B's enemy thine point, friction is inevitable. These aspects, while subtle, can brew resentment over time, even if the initial connection appears harmonious. In some cases, mutual activation of crisis points leads to irreparable harm, highlighting the importance of awareness and proactive management.

In most instances, the rivalry between two individuals deepens over time, resulting in lasting hurt. Despite good intentions and external approval, the underlying tension could remain unresolved. Consulting an oracle may provide the necessary guidance to end the relationship before further damage ensued.

Conversely, in other scenarios, knowledge of astrological dynamics allowed for preemptive action. Person C recognized the potential conflict brewing with Person D and adjusted accordingly, averting a showdown.

These entanglements, often bitter might involve third parties, and are best avoided. In a world where some view relationships as opportunities for manipulation, it's crucial to recognize red flags and subtle warning signs before it's too late.

Now, with Enemy Thine reading from our LIGHTBENDER department, you can gain insights into your natal crisis points and receive practical suggestions for navigating potential conflicts. Apply Geo Planetary Plots for a custom earth map of planetary power lines, offering deeper insights into geographical influences on astrological dynamics.

Extras include a synastry reading to assess compatibility and Sabian symbols for enemy thine points, enhancing your understanding of these critical astrological markers. Don't let hidden tensions derail your relationships—take proactive steps with Enemy Thine.

Enemy Thine Methods:

Natal Aspects

- Identify enemy thine points by sign and house.

- Receive likely significators and suggested strategies for managing conflicts.

Earth Map References

- Includes Package A features.

- Receive a custom earth map of ruling planet's lines for deeper insights into geographical influences.


1. Synastry Reading: Assess compatibility and potential conflict triggers.

2. Sabian Symbols: Receive interpretations for your enemy thine points, enhancing your astrological understanding.

With Enemy Thine Gig on Fiverr, navigate your astrological dynamics with confidence and foresight.


**Astrology Readings by



Disclaimer: Our astrology readings are based on sidereal chart information. It's important to note that sidereal astrology utilizes a different zodiac system compared to the more commonly known tropical astrology used in the Western world, such as the charts familiar to people in the USA.

We reference sidereal charts which take into account the precession of the equinoxes, resulting in a more accurate alignment with the current positions of celestial bodies. This adjustment, known as the ayanamsha, is based on the true astronomical positions of stars and constellations.

As acknowledged by Edgar Cayce's knowledge, the difference between tropical and sidereal charts highlights the importance of accuracy in astrological calculations. Sidereal charts offer a more precise depiction of celestial alignments, allowing for deeper insights and interpretations in astrology readings.



ENEMY THINE at 11° Aries in the 6th House: Healing Through Service

The Sabian symbol for 11° Aries is "The Ruler of a Nation." This symbol suggests themes of leadership, authority, and responsibility. In the context of this placement at 11° Aries in the 6th house of one's natal chart, this symbol may indicate a profound healing journey related to one's sense of duty, service, and health.

General Readout:

Individuals with an ENEMY THINE at 11° Aries in the 6th house may feel a deep sense of responsibility towards serving others and making a positive impact in their community or workplace. They may embark on a journey of self-discovery, seeking to overcome limitations and insecurities that hinder their ability to serve effectively.


ENEMY THINE at 1° Sagittarius in the 2nd House: Confronting Past Conflicts

The Sabian symbol for 1° Sagittarius is "Retired Army Veterans Gather to Reawaken Old Memories." This symbol suggests themes of reminiscence, gathering of past experiences, and the potential for reflection and healing. In the context of an ENEMY THINE placement at 1° Sagittarius in the 2nd house of one's natal chart, this symbol may indicate a need to confront and address past conflicts, especially those related to personal values, possessions, and self-worth.

General Readout:

Individuals with an ENEMY THINE at 1° Sagittarius in the 2nd house may experience a profound healing journey related to past conflicts and wounds that impact their sense of self-worth and values. By acknowledging and addressing these challenges, they can pave the way for personal growth and empowerment.


ENEMY THINE in the 7th House: Navigating Intense Energies in Relationships

The Sabian symbol for 2° Taurus is "An Electrical Storm." This symbol suggests sudden and intense energy, disruption, and transformation. In the context of ENEMY THINE placement in the 7th house of one's natal chart, this symbol may indicate challenges and upheavals in relationships, as well as the potential for intense emotional storms and conflicts.

General Readout:

Individuals with an ENEMY THINE in the 7th house may experience intense energies and conflicts within their relationships. By harnessing the transformative power of adversity and seeking guidance from the divine, they can navigate through challenges and facilitate healing and growth in their connections with others.

Incorporating these insights into your astrology readings can provide clients with a deeper understanding of their natal placements and the potential for healing and growth in various aspects of their lives.


🔒 *****TRANSIT ALERT***** 🔒



Now, when Uranus transits ENEMY THINE in the native's 7th house, the energies are further intensified and electrified by Uranus's disruptive and revolutionary influence. Here's what one might expect during this transit:

1. Unexpected Changes in Relationships: Uranus's transit over an ENEMY THINE point can bring sudden and unexpected changes or disruptions in relationships. This could manifest as breakups, separations, or unconventional shifts in partnership dynamics that challenge the status quo.

2. Embracing Individuality: Uranus encourages freedom, independence, and authenticity. Individuals may feel compelled to assert their individuality and break free from conventional relationship norms or constraints during this transit. Non-traditional relationship structures, such as open relationships or polyamory, may become more appealing.

3. Revolutionizing Relationship Dynamics: Uranus's transit over an ENEMY THINE point can catalyze a revolution in the way individuals approach relationships. Old patterns and expectations may be shattered, paving the way for new and innovative ways of relating to others. Individuals may be inspired to embrace radical honesty, authenticity, and experimentation in their partnerships.

4. Awakening to Truth: Uranus's transit can bring about sudden insights and revelations regarding the nature of relationships and the dynamics at play. Individuals may experience moments of clarity and truth, allowing them to see their relationships in a new light and make necessary changes to align with their evolving values and aspirations.

Overall, the combination of an ENEMY THINE in the 7th house and Uranus's transit over ENEMY THINE can bring about profound shifts and upheavals in the realm of relationships, ultimately leading to greater authenticity, liberation, and growth for those willing to embrace the transformative energies at play.




The Sabian symbol for 2° Taurus is "An Electrical Storm." This symbol evokes imagery of sudden and intense energy, disruption, and transformation. In the context of ENEMY THINE placement in the 7th house of one's natal chart, this symbol may suggest challenges and upheavals in relationships, as well as the potential for intense emotional storms and conflicts.


To mitigate the effects of an ENEMY THINE placement in the 7th house and align with the healing energy of the Sabian symbol for 2° Taurus, here are some prayers and affirmations you can use:

1. Prayer for Protection from Emotional Storms:

"Divine Light, surround me with your protective shield

As I navigate through the storms of my emotions.

Grant me the strength to weather any turmoil or conflict,

And guide me towards peace and harmony in my relationships."


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