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Empowering Victims of Cyberstalking, Electronic Harassment, and Torture


As technology advances, so does the potential for its misuse. Cyberstalking, electronic harassment, and torture via smart grid technologies are growing concerns. At Feelix TechnoKata, we aim to empower victims by providing knowledge and practical solutions to protect against these malicious activities.

Understanding the Threat

Smart grid technologies, while beneficial, can be exploited for malicious purposes:

- Unauthorized Access: Hackers can gain control over smart devices to disrupt daily life.

- Surveillance: Manipulated smart meters can reveal personal routines, compromising privacy.

- Electronic Harassment: Attackers can induce electromagnetic fields, causing physical and mental distress.

Protection and Prevention

1. Enhanced Cybersecurity

- Use Strong Passwords: Combine letters, numbers, and symbols.

- Enable Multi-Factor Authentication: Adds an extra layer of security.

- Regular Updates: Ensure all devices have the latest security patches.

2. Shielding and Privacy

- Faraday Cages: Use these to block malicious signals.

- Limit Data Collection: Only collect necessary data and anonymize it.

- Privacy Settings: Educate yourself on privacy settings for all smart devices.

Taking Action

1. Documentation

- Keep Records: Document all suspicious activities with dates and details.

2. Professional Assistance

- Cybersecurity Experts: Hire professionals to secure your devices and conduct vulnerability assessments.

3. Legal Measures

- Report Incidents: Contact local authorities and provide detailed evidence.

- Collaborate: Work with cybersecurity firms and law enforcement to trace and prosecute perpetrators.


At Feelix TechnoKata, we believe in turning technological challenges into opportunities for growth and resilience. By implementing robust cybersecurity measures, educating yourself on privacy practices, and taking legal action against perpetrators, you can protect yourself and seek justice. Together, we can build a safer digital world.

Further Resources

- [Cybersecurity for Smart Grid Systems - NIST](


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