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Don't Plot Without Permission

There ought to be a law against plotting somone's astrodata without permission. The only exceptions would be public figures, people under criminal investigation and people under professional care or personal reponsibility (ie family members).

The other schemers who surreptitiously plot people's charts with smug attitudes and questionable integrities should be fined and/or imprisoned. Particularly when their inquiries result in undue influence on the lives of the persons of interest. Such connivings amount to a covert albeit empowered form of abuse, or high-handed encroachment.

There are countless ways that petty people can misuse metaphysical data. Secret hocus pocus farce is common in other countries where "qimen battles" and "feng shui attacks" could happen without regulation or accountability.

One might wonder how to identify, investigate and pursue such culprits . I am reminded of one time when a family member's house was being sold.

A meeting with the realtor was scheduled on, of all days, a remove day, to reference the Chinese tong shu day officer system. "Who chose that day, why and how?" , I remember wondering to myself. No one else in the family knew of the tong shu. So I suggested a rescheduling. And thankfully the date wad rescheduled . Given the circumstances and popular attitudes of that time, an attempt to influence the situation metaphysically was probable. That is but one example of the slick stuff some people might use to mess with your life.


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