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Being Better Neighbors

Vertict scene from The Good Neighbor

It may be easy for you to judge the person who was wearingthe handcuffs.


Idle speculation and gossip,

With some money thrown into the mix,

along with a bit of tech -enhanced vigilantism,

that plusa heedless attitude towards the law and civil rights. It's more than a recipe for an innocent person's demise. More like the death of innocence itself. Only a truly demented person really wants that.

The truly demented by the way are not our senior citizens. They actually are under the age of 45.

Nevertheless people have a tendancy to solve their own problems when left to their own devices. Those who have lived long enough to stay alive among greedy cowards anyway.

Why would you believe that your words and opinions are worth more than a damn?

Extra judicial punishment is a fancy word for mob justice. It truly is an oxymoron. And the those who perpetrate that behavior are morons. Nowadays thanks to easy access to tech tools and psycho puppet masters, those morons have been turned into true morons. Some call them "useful idiots".

When it comes to our private lives, your blithe opinions are more likely to make things worse.

So minding ones own business is wise.

And if justice just happens to be your business, then may you be noble in your application of said justice.

Lest you become the one in the handcuffs.


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