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Analyzing Opportunity and Intervention

When someone presents another person with an opportunity , it's important to understand the psychodynamic involved .

If we balk or turn down a so called opportunity , we risk misrepresentation . The one who offers the opportunity could defame or hold you in a false light for rejecting what they may believe is a " good opportunity".

It is not a good opportunity for you if you do not want it or dislikehow the other presents it. It therefore could be a form of harassment .

This is why it is important to know yourself and the times. The times may include the year/month/day of the opportunity. Also your personal season in life plays a role in what opportunity may or may not work for you at a given time. So an opportunity working at Mc Donald's for one person might be an entanglement for the next person. Knowing which person you are helps clarify things when people attempt to prussure you into doing what they believe you should be doing. Often it is their mistake for offering unwanted help and assuming you are somehow unfit to think for yourself or are somehow wrong enough in your thinking to warrant their intervention .

Whether or not the person who offers an opportunity is qualified to help is another point of possible contention . Petty people can be presumptuous , judgmental , manipulative and malicious.

How can they be held accountable for arbitrarily presenting other people in a false light?

And why pay them to do so?

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