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Feelix Techno Kata

Cyber Consul

With  20+ years of professional web development and digital content production expertise, Apple & Microsoft tools, and a love for many things geek, "we" (including you) find worthy solutions to your web and digital tech problems.

Feelix Techno Kata is a forward-thinking platform dedicated to exploring the intersection of technology, emotions, and personal growth. Our brand identity is characterized by innovation, empathy, and a commitment to empowering individuals to navigate the complexities of the digital age with confidence and resilience.

1. Innovation: We embrace innovation as a catalyst for positive change, leveraging cutting-edge technologies to enhance emotional well-being and foster meaningful connections.
2. Empathy: We prioritize empathy in all aspects of our work, striving to understand and address the diverse needs and experiences of our audience.
3. Authenticity: We value authenticity and transparency, fostering genuine interactions and dialogue within our community.
4. Education: We are committed to educating and empowering individuals with the knowledge and tools they need to thrive in an increasingly digital world.
5. Collaboration: We believe in the power of collaboration and partnership, seeking to build a supportive ecosystem of like-minded organizations and individuals.

Feelix Techno Kata stands out from other platforms by offering a unique blend of technology-focused content and emotional intelligence insights. Our USP lies in our ability to bridge the gap between technological innovation and human emotions, providing practical guidance and resources to help individuals harness the benefits of technology while navigating its potential pitfalls.

By articulating our brand identity, values, and unique selling proposition, Feelix Techno Kata aims to establish itself as a trusted resource and community hub for individuals seeking to cultivate a healthy and balanced relationship with technology in their daily lives.


Tektactix is a little file share about society, tech and undercurrents.

A source of unusual insights to help inform us about environmental and ecological factors that may influence in our daily lives.

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The treatments offered on the site below may be provided on demand, however the terms may vary.

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© 2023 ME DECOR LLC - Tufani Mayfield, Founder, Artist, Developer, Instructor and Consultant.

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