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Welcome to Ar[t]chetypes, where individual growth and self-discovery intersect with metaphysics and cosmologies. As the sole proprietor, I, Mr. Tufani Mayfield, established Ar[t]chetypes circa 2002 with the vision of providing a unique space for personal exploration, interdisciplinary, multicultural and spiritual creativity enhanced with information technology.

Ar[t]chetypes operates under the umbrella of ME DECOR LLC, a legal business entity founded in 2007. This structure serves as the foundation for our financial activities as we expand our endeavors.


While we do not cater to petty or superficial interests, we welcome innovative project proposals that align with our values and vision. We invite philanthropic initiatives aimed at enhancing income opportunities and contributing to poverty remediation efforts.

At Ar[t]chetypes, we believe in fostering wealth and prosperity while providing a space for individuals to tap into their creative potential and expand their horizons. Join us on this journey of exploration and discovery.




For over thirty years, I have embraced and adapted to the ever-evolving digital landscape. Graduating from Colorado State University with a bachelor's degree in arts and humanities, a minor in studio art, and an emphasis in graphic design, I applied my knowledge to various fields, continuously studying independently to enrich my expertise. My unique approach to life has led me to challenge conventional norms, fostering a path of individualism, interdependence, and digital nomadicism.


Navigating through shifting political climates and socio-economic changes from 2001 to 2024, I’ve honed my ability to remain resilient and adaptive. As an HSP, intuitive, and empath, I strive to maintain a harmonious balance between my personal and professional life, emphasizing anti-corruption, holistic wellness, and benevolence.


My consulting practice is rooted in interfaith mystic spiritual culture and techno-shamanism, blending traditional wisdom with modern technology. I advocate for self-defense, low-impact fitness, and the responsible use of entheogens.


Through my experiences and creative activities, I aim to generate income that supports my chosen way of life and share the benefits with others.


Connect with me to explore innovative investments, relationships, and projects that resonate with our shared values.

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© 2023 ME DECOR LLC - Tufani Mayfield, Founder, Artist, Developer, Instructor and Consultant.

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